Acupuncture Bunbury
Pregnancy Fertility
Pregnancy Acupuncture | Acupuncture for Labour Preparation
Natural Fertility Support | IVF Acupuncture

Are you trying to conceive?
Acupuncture has become a popular choice for people wanting to try and have a baby. We have many patients trying to conceive who come and use acupuncture to help them relax and reduce stress when they are trying to conceive. We offer advice on how to get you healthy and prepare your body for pregnancy.
We've worked with hundreds of women trying to conceive, guiding them through their journey and providing support using acupuncture and Chinese medicine techniques plus taking a look and their diet and lifestyle choices. We'll help you remove harmful chemicals from your life that may be affecting your hormones and fertility.
Assisted Reproduction, IVF & ICSI
We regularly treat women going through IVF. Acupuncture can be used in preparation for IVF and during IVF treatment. Acupuncture during IVF and on the day of embryo transfer may help relax you during a very stressful time.
There has been some fantastically positive clinical trials run in relation to using acupuncture with IVF! We will help come up with a plan to support you through your treatment that suits you.
Acupuncture During Pregnancy
Once pregnant, women often continue coming for treatment, especially if they have had a long journey trying to conceive or have a history of miscarriage. Acupuncture during pregnancy helps support the mothers body to function optimally. Women love this support during this fragile first trimester.
Further along, pregnancy acupuncture can help relieve aches and pains that the mother may be developing as her body changes and the baby grows. Acupuncture is also often recommended by midwives to help prepare for labour and birth.
Preparing for Labour & Birth
We offer labour preparation acupuncture from 36 weeks. Women can start to prepare physically and emotionally with weekly sessions and support from a professional health practitioner.
What if you are full term and baby hasn't come? Well we can show you acupressure techniques and help keep you calm while waiting for labour to begin. Women really enjoy these sessions!

Acupuncture Bunbury
189 Spencer St
South Bunbury, WA 6230
Serving the communities of Bunbury and surrounding areas including East Bunbury, South Bunbury, Australind, Eaton, Leschenault, Millbridge, Carey Park, Usher, Dalyellup, Gelorup, Harvey, Dardanup, Boyanup, Capel, Donnybrook, Collie, Balingup and even further afield.